Saturday, January 21, 2012

Awakening :)

    It is amazing what happens when you don’t just read the Bible to check it off your list of things to do. It has taken me a good 25 years to realize that the Bible is so much more than words on a page, but it is the living, breathing word of God through with he speaks truth into our lives. I never saw the point before; I never sat down with the intention of hearing from God. All the while, He was waiting for me to be patient and listen. Patience isn’t exactly my forte. My family jokes that patience, or lack thereof, is a Honaker thing. We know it is somewhere, just have to unlock nuts and bolts of the dark depths of our lives to find it. However, in our weakness, He is stronger. And through our weaknesses, He gives us challenges to overcome. The great part about God is that, no matter how hard we try on our own, we will never succeed in fully overcoming our problems. But as soon as Jesus takes over, something changes. A change happens that is so unexpected, so out of the ordinary, that you have to fully surrender because you know it was not by your works that you have the ability to overcome, but by His grace and love. Passion City Church was doing a series on “Word” – reading through the gospel of John. I just listened to the part of the series where Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at the well. I have heard this story many times, and something always rings true in my life as with the Samaritan woman. I know what it feels like to be broken, to search for love in every unfulfilling place. But leave it to the Holy Spirit speaking through Louie to bring this message straight to my heart with a new meaning from God. Toward the end of the story, the woman, after talking with Jesus and realizing that He is the living water, goes into her town and tells everyone to “Come, see the man who told me everything I ever did.” (John 4:29) The next part of this, I have never even though about, something that I would skip over onto the next meaningful verse. John writes, “Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony.” Many. Not all. Many. Louie pointed out, “You may not get the whole office, or the whole school but don’t be discouraged because Jesus himself didn’t even get the whole town.” How amazing. I can be so discouraged sometimes to think that the people I am telling about Jesus do not truly understand his love and hope for their lives. But, we may never see the growth of the seed we have planted in their lives, but that shouldn’t stop us from proclaiming the gospel in truth and love for all, because Jesus himself only got “many” not “all” at that point. It is our job to plant the seed; it is Jesus who will bring that seed to life, as He is the living water. He is water that will never run out, and water that will always satisfy.

I had the opportunity to tell my co-workers the other day about my plans and that I will be leaving The Little Nell. Today is my official last day. It is so crazy to think about how Jesus has completely transformed my life into something I never imagined. How patience on my part, has led me to a place of peace and joy in Jesus. I can’t imagine going back to my life even a few short weeks ago. I now can see every opportunity as a time to further God’s kingdom. As I was speaking to my co-workers, I could see something change in their hearts. I got to speak with a few of them about life and about things they have always wanted to do, things that are greater than themselves. You never really know the opportunities God has for you until you take His hand a walk along side of Him. I don’t know what Jesus is doing in their hearts, but I am honored that I am able to plant a seed of hope in each of them to live life passionately.

“Our mission is simple, to say I want Jesus to come and give me what nothing on this earth can give me. It is all going to fall by the wayside in time. When that happens, He starts coming under the layers, it’s in that moment that true worship will happen. That is the worship that God is looking for. In that worship, we get healed and He gets lifted.” – Louie Giglio

In the last two minutes of speaking of John chapter 4, Louie spoke those words above. All I could think about were the moments I have truly felt worship. I felt love. I felt Jesus. That is what I want my life to be. Worship so great that I am healed of all my earthly faults, and Jesus is exalted and lifted high. It is all because of Him that I am healed, whole, and can live a life with purpose. “He must become greater, I must become less.” (John 3:30) I have never been so happy to be considered less, because only through His strength am I even able to stand. 

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