my heart hurts.
it hurts because my friends' are hurting.
it hurts because my community is hurting.
it hurts because my family is hurting.
injustice is so real.
i wish i could click my magic red heels and we would all be with you, Jesus, in Heaven.
what a day that will be, right? The day when the person to my left will be African and the one to my right will be Asian. When the person in front of me will be Italian, and the person in front of them will be German. When the neighborhood of Heaven will be filled with every tribe and tongue. Oh, my heart wants that so badly.
i hurt cause brothers and sisters hurt. it looks nice to raise your hands to Jesus on Sunday, but that doesn't give you a right to stick up your nose to your neighbor on Monday morning.
unity is a battle the enemy is fighting so hard against right now. God's Kingdom, His Chosen, His Children, the enemy is after us all. Can't you see it?!
I told someone today that when you become a Christian, it's like you're being clothed with Jesus for battle. Why are we acting like we have nothing to fight with? If my brother is hurting, i get to be the one he leans on. If my sister is wounded, in His strength, I get to help her up.
oh, my heart just feels like it's being ripped out. No, i'm not black. No, I might not fully understand what others go through on a day to day basis. but that doesn't mean, i don't feel pain when others hurt.
I know one thing, I love Jesus. Jesus is love. Love does not boast, love is not proud, love is kind. All I want is for people to know His love. It is perfect, unlike mine. I don't love well when I love out of my own strength. I get easily offended. I am prideful. I am weak. His love is perfect. His love COVERS ALL. His love is the gap-filler in our hearts. He is good. He is kind. He doesn't hate. He doesn't hurt. It is not His nature. The fall changed a lot, but it didn't change an All-Powerful God.
i just want you to know that today. You are loved. YOU, yeah you. Is hurt, on this side of Heaven inevitable, yeah. But can I tell you something? In our hurt, in injustice, in pain, HE is our voice, He is our hope, and He gets the final word.
we get an opportunity to stand united on a battle ground covered in blood of innocence, fear of hatred, and broken hearts. We get to stand, not on strength that is our own, because we are fragile.
we GET to stand, not as fragile humans, but as beloved children of God who have been given a family of all races, nations, tribes, and tongues. Oh, that will be my favorite day of all to see the you standing next to me, my black sister, singing better than I ever could, praising our same Jesus. I can't wait to hug my brother who speaks a language, on earth, I'll never know, as we praise our SAME Jesus.
I just want to stand with you. I just want to love you. Will you teach me how? teach us how, Jesus.