Sunday, August 4, 2013

FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out


The fear of Missing Out

I am currently in one of the greatest places of all time, Costa Rica! One of Gods most perfect creations and I get to experience it with the Schoper family. Even in this beautiful place, I still find a way to wish I was somewhere else. Isn't this life? I wish I was married when I'm single, I wish I had a job when I don't have one, I wish I had a better job where I make more money when I'm just getting by... I wish, I hope, I dream, I wonder what life would be like in a different place. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to expect, but when we are so wrapped up in the "could be" we forget what actually is! It's not everyday that God puts us in a position where we can experience this other world we dream of for just a short time. That is what this week is... I get to live it without the responsibility of it actually being my reality. I get to experience vacation with another family and catch a glimpse of life when it's not just me. I can't tell you how many times I've requested and merely pointed out that I was ready for God to provide my husband - I know it's in His hands but sometimes I like to think if I pray harder or more He may change his mind... :/ After this week, I walk away without 3 children to watch, feed, and run after...or more like sprint after as they take off into the water full speed ahead! It's just me. I've spent so much of my time praying that I would be somewhere else, mad at God cause His timing is way different than I could ever imagine, and hoping that for a moment fantasy could be reality. All the while, He knew. I doubt, I get angry, I question. He simply waits. Waits for me to throw my 26 years of a temper tantrum until I realize I'm exactly where I need to be. That the more I try to fantasize a world that isn't my own, I'm missing out on the blessing He has prepared for the present. How many moments I've wasted wanting to be elsewhere... I don't dare think about. Walking away from this trip (with 4 days still remaining) I can be thankful. These moments I have are fleeting and will just as soon pass away. God isn't content with me living a life of ordinary. My God is big, extraordinary, and adventurous, and you better believe that is the life He has planned for His children. We dream of a life of adventure yet we live as though we would rather be trapped in a box with only the necessary water and food and air holes to get by. Life with comfort isn't life with purpose! It's comfortable to live in our dream world because we know it will probably never happen, praying that if it does we have enough time to prepare ourselves and plan our escape. What life do we really want to live? If we are honest with ourselves, it is not one of adventure. How do I know? Because that is the life God has already promised for us, and we decline only to sit in our comfortable box pretending God gave us a different life in which we could live. Insert FOMO here.

What are we really missing out on? Nothing. Because things that are happening to others were specifically designed by the Creator for them to experience. If we would only take our eyes off of the the life others lead, we could realize the beautiful and intricately planned world God has purposed us to live. It's the world where we are enough, we don't have to fear, and each moment makes sense. It's no one else's life, but ours. And we are created to live in that world walking hand in hand with the One who had us in mind when He created life itself. We will never measure up if we are basing our standards on others, a standard that God never intended for us to live by. He is the standard. Ultimately, there is no fear of missing out if we are living the life that God destined for us. Today, I'm thankful that His grace is big enough to show me the world I prayed for and bigger still that I get to walk away and continue on the journey with just Him and I for now. I can trust and still hope. I can walk, I can face plant, I can run but it doesn't change this adventure He has planned for me. I'm not missing out because I'm living my life, the one created specifically for me by the One who calls me His beloved :)