Tuesday, April 16, 2013

In the collision of dreams and plans.

I am standing in the front of two doors. Within the next 24 hours God will be opening one and closing another. I don't know the outcome, though I'd be lying if I said my heart wasn't slightly leaning in one direction. One door is my dream. One door is God's plan.

See the problem with my dreams is that I have a narrow view of things I love. My dreams are limited to my human perception of the seen and unseen. But God's plans are the culmination of all things, seen and unseen, created to glorify Him alone. When the two collide, there is no telling what it looks like. All I know is I can rest in the plans, hopes and dreams of the God who not only sees the future, He holds the future. I can bow out of my hopes to surrender to the God who is waiting for me in this moment and simultaneously waiting for me at my finish line. My heart knows His heart for me is beautiful. I will lift my eyes to the Creator of all things perfect and all plans fulfilled in this perfect timing.

The door to God's plan opens. All He asks for me is to walk with Him. He isn't asking me to leave my dreams behind. He is allowing me another view of the life He is laying before me. The scary part about God's plan, is that it is not my plan, therefore I do not know what lies ahead. He knows the plans He has for me. In this moment, He sees them coming to fruition. So, I trust. At this point, it is all I know how to do. Because in the collision of dreams and plans, I can trust the One who holds every tear, every hope, and every broken heart. It may take everything in me, but I surrender.

I take hold of His hand. We walk together through the door.