Tuesday, September 18, 2012

He Is Jealous For Me!

September 13, 2012

Hello God,
I don’t know what you are doing, but I like it a lot.

Yes, that was the prayer I just prayed before writing this. So many times I’ve heard people say, “Oh, God is wrecking my world” but never took the time to understand why they would find joy in something being ruined. As my narrow minded point of view would only point out the negative, little did I see that when a life is ruined by God it is only an opportunity to rebuild it for His glory. So…  I must admit, God is WRECKING my world…. With a capital WRECKING! I have never been so satisfied, and I have no clue what is next. I am walking blindly on this journey, only to be holding the hand of the one who sees it all with perfect vision. I am safe in the arms of Jesus and there is nowhere else I’d rather be that right where I am in this moment.  The great part about life is that we get to walk hand in hand with the one who has overcome any and every obstacle that I am facing right now in this second or things I will face in the future. My heart is ready and my hands are holding firm in the grip of His mercy and love.

The past week or so has been instrumental in my growth toward Jesus. Being able to share life with some amazing people and encourage each other in our growth and dependence on Jesus has left me wanting so much more of my Savior. I cannot get enough and yet I am fully satisfied… say what? If I could explain it, I would but I have no words.

I’ve always known that God was a jealous God. It did not hit me until tonight as to how this fact has played out in my own life. God stripped me of everything I thought I needed. A great job, living on my own, independence, money… .and more money. And not until 10 minutes ago did I realize why…I was giving each of these things priorities over Him. I was still holding on to the things I thought I needed and not giving Him full control over it all, so the obvious thing to do was to take it away so all that I could see what His face. His face is so beautiful when there are no distractions to take your vision out of focus. He knew I needed a fresh start and by golly that is what I got/am living in right now. It is so freeing to not know what is next, but to be completely in tune with His heartbeat for my life. I may not know where the next step is or how to get out of my present circumstances, but I get to walk through life on this path with Jesus… What joy and peace is found in knowing His love.
So, thank you, God for taking it all away so all I see is you. May my heart beat for you and my lips praise your Holy name. You alone are worthy.

“My whole life is yours, I give it all, surrender to your name. And forever I will say…have your way!” - Hillsong